Data VisualizationMicrosoft PowerBITableau

Strategical day data visualization and analytics

Once a year we bring our data visualization and analytics team together to talk about their strategy within Algorhythm.

During this day we talk about our vision, mission and values. Sometimes we need to update our existing vision/mission based on the market and our people’s evolution.

We use this strategy to make sure that all our people grow towards the same goal and to have all of us on the same page. This strategy is also being used to introduce ourselves to new customers. It’s a kind of identity card that explains who we are and what we do.

Vision – Mission – values


Today we work with the following vision back in mind:

Our talented and highly motivated colleagues realize business value by applying the required business knowledge  and technical expertise in analyses and visualizations in data projects.

We support and inspire organizations to explore the full potential of their data and become more data driven.

To describe our identity and achievements, we have the following mission:

  • We create business value by analyzing and visualizing data into meaningful and actionable insights
  • Our goal is to become experts in your business domain
  • We have a broad knowledge and experience in multiple BI tools
  • We are tool-agnostic which allows us to select the most applicable and efficient tooling required for the job
  • We inspire and support business in defining a data strategy to become more data-driven
  • We focus on the talents of each of our colleagues and thereby make them excel; this way they make the difference in the tasks they undertake with our customers

Last but not least, we have 3 core values to focus on:

  • Teamwork, Learning & passion
  • Promise to our customers
  • Invest in talents

After a refresh of our core values, we went to discuss a few intern topics. This year we worked around the following items:

  • Technologies
  • Happiness and involvement
  • Coaching and talent management
  • Commercial offering

We worked in groups to achieve output around all the topics. The purpose was to collect information from our employees, to grow on different aspects and to know what’s inside their head. Are they missing something to give the best of themselves? Where is room for improvement?

The little groups made it easy to receive input from all the colleagues. We brainstormed in these groups for approximately 20 minutes to have an open and interesting discussion afterwards with the entire team.
The different team break-outs used post-its and big papers to help them brainstorming and think out of the box. These tools were fun to have an interactive session.
The outcome of these brainstorm sessions are confidential of course.

Time flies when you’re having fun and after a few iterations it was time to feed our brains (and stomachs).
We had a delicious sandwich lunch.
An outside walk around the block was perfect to clear our head and prepare for the afternoon session.

In the afternoon we worked around the competence centers (CC’s). Within the data visualization and analytics unit 3 new competence centers introduced. The CC’s focus on technical and non-technical aspects of the job of Data Visualization and Analytics consultants.. On this occasion, we shared our experiences on these topics and gathered input to optimize the operation of the CC’s.. To ensure good dynamics and interesting discussions, the groups were composed based on different technical background and years of experience. Here we worked with the post-its and big papers as well.

Of course, is the specific outcome of those brainstorm sessions is confidential as well.
You will learn more about our competence centers in a next blog post.


This was a very interesting and exhausting day. We have a lot of new items and inspiration to work with. It’s important to end such an important day in a positive and fun way, therefor we went outside with the entire team for a delicious diner.
A big THANK YOU to the entire team for their input and collaboration!

Eager to learn more or to work with us? Do you have any questions about the way we work? Please contact Nicolas Claus or visit our Algorhythm website.


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